Coatings for Ureteral Stents
Coatings for Ureteral Stents
Medical devices in the urinary tract can become encrusted with small crystals of mineral salts over time. These calcium and magnesium salt crystals are painful for patients and may clog the catheter or stent. Currently many urologists recommend removing and/or replacing ureteral stents within 3 months of use.
ISurTec coating will extend the lifetime of devices in the urinary tract

Comparison of ISurTec-coated Ureteral Stents to Commercial Ureteral Stents
ISurTec has developed an encrustation assay in artificial urine to accelerate encrustation. The assay simulates what happens over many months in the body in a matter of weeks in the lab. Using this assay we compared calcium salt formation on several commercial ureteral stents with and without ISurTec’s anti-encrustation coating. When the calcium is dissolved from the stents and measured, ISurTec coatings reduce encrustation by >60%. Hydrophilic coatings can be applied over ISurTec’s anti-encrustation coating without reducing its ability reduce mineral salt formation.

ISurTec is a technology innovator with a deep passion for identifying, creating and commercializing new methods and products that enable companies to fulfill their mission.
Innovative Surface Technologies, Inc.
1045 Westgate Drive Suite 100
Saint Paul, MN 55114