Coating Requirements
Coating Requirements
If you’re experienced with lubricious hydrophilic coatings we make it easy to purchase them. There’s no licensing or royalty agreement attached to our products. If you’re not familiar with lubricious coatings, we’ll help you decide.
When considering a lubricious hydrophilic coating you’ll first want to ascertain what performance parameters are critical to success. The initial questions we always ask our customers:
- What’s the surface (substrate/s) that needs to be coated?
- How will the product or device be used?
- How are you going to test performance?
Why? The hydrophilic coating needed is dependent on both the substrate to be coated and the specific use-case (application). We’ve created a coating selection tool to help you through this process. Now with that in mind, the performance characteristics below also influence the lubricious hydrophilic coating selection, and even more so, the coating process required.
Here’s what you’ll want to consider:

ISurTec is a technology innovator with a deep passion for identifying, creating and commercializing new methods and products that enable companies to fulfill their mission.
Innovative Surface Technologies, Inc.
1045 Westgate Drive Suite 100
Saint Paul, MN 55114