ISurGuard coatings are a family of highly water-repellent, superhydrophobic (SHPb) coatings. Water bounces off these coatings. They may be applied by dipping, brushing and spraying, and cured with UV light and/or heat. Click through to see images and videos depicting some of their many and various applications, indoors and out.
ISurGuard™ Properties
Highly water-repellent ISurGuard coatings resist wetting by water. When water comes in contact with the coated surface, the water droplet forms a nearly perfect sphere on the surface with a water contact angle > 150o, the water bounces off, preventing water penetration and reducing snow and ice adherence to the surface. Due to their unwettability, ISurGuard coated surfaces have self-cleaning and anti-fouling characteristics as well. ISurGuard coatings are based on ISurTec proprietary photocrosslinker and nanotexture technology. Take a look through the many applications of superhydrophobic coatings.

ISurTec is a technology innovator with a deep passion for identifying, creating and commercializing new methods and products that enable companies to fulfill their mission.
Innovative Surface Technologies, Inc.
1045 Westgate Drive Suite 100
Saint Paul, MN 55114